When you decide to list your house for sale, it's essential to clarify what's included with the property and what you intend to take with you. Misunderstandings in this area can lead to disputes between buyers and sellers, so it's crucial to establish these details upfront. Let's delve into the specifics of what stays and what goes during a home sale, with insights from UFS United Financial Services.
Realty vs. Personal Items: The key distinction when determining what stays and what goes revolves around categorizing items as realty or personal property. Realty items are fixtures or components that are affixed to the property and are considered part of the real estate. Personal items are typically movable possessions.
Items That Typically Stay (Realty Items):
Built-In Appliances: Items like built-in microwaves, ovens, stovetops, and dishwashers usually stay with the home.
Light Fixtures: Light fixtures that are installed in the property are typically part of the sale.
Water Softeners: These are often considered fixtures and remain with the property.
Toilets and Plumbing Fixtures: Built-in toilets, sinks, and plumbing fixtures typically stay with the home.
Items That Can Be Removed (Personal Items):
Refrigerators: Refrigerators are generally considered personal items and can be taken by the seller unless specifically negotiated otherwise.
Chandeliers or Unique Fixtures: If the seller intends to take unique or special light fixtures, this should be explicitly stated in the listing agreement and purchase contract.
Exclusions in the Listing Agreement: To avoid confusion, it's essential to include exclusions in the listing agreement. This means specifying any fixtures or items that are not included in the sale. For instance, if you plan to take a chandelier with you, make sure it's mentioned as an exclusion in the listing agreement.
Incorporate Exclusions in the Purchase Agreement: Once you've accepted an offer and entered into a purchase agreement, ensure that any exclusions mentioned in the listing agreement are reiterated in the purchase agreement. This further solidifies what stays and what goes with the property.
Clear Communication Is Key: Whether you're the buyer or seller, it's vital to communicate your expectations clearly regarding items included or excluded from the sale. Don't assume that something will stay or go—get it in writing to avoid misunderstandings later in the process.
Seek Professional Guidance: Working with experienced real estate professionals, like those at UFS United Financial Services, can help ensure a smooth transaction. They can assist in drafting contracts and negotiations to address any unique items or concerns related to the sale.
In conclusion, when selling your home, always clarify what stays and what goes with the property. Categorize items as realty or personal property, include exclusions in the listing agreement, and ensure these are reiterated in the purchase agreement. Clear communication and professional guidance are essential to a successful home sale.
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